I have Interviewed ChatGPT as SWE and Here are the results (2) — System Design

6 min readFeb 24, 2023

Failed, yet surprised me

In the previous post, I did a DSA interview with ChatGPT.

We see the result is not bad — 50% correctness and all thought process are correct.

Maybe this could be explained why it can even pass the google Level 3 interview.

Let’s explore more to have some fun. and also try to find out what does ChatGPT really good at.

System Design Interview started.

Q#1 Start from a basic system

Design a system for cinema, Features:

  • Sell movie tickets and allocate seats
  • update the latest movies and show them on devices

Tell me what database you will use and why, what are the tables or collections, and also each column details (name, type) in each table. tell me the details as much as possible.

Btw, this is exactly the same problem I got from ThoughtWorks many years ago. (Yes I passed as a moderate human developer)




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