I was
I have been a c#/java/nodejs developer for 10 years ,kind of fullstack in building webapps , using microsoft stack , windows server , MSSQL , IIS . building data analysis program using python
I am Building backend apps using python golang ,nginx in centos OS, marialDB , shell command become my daily life
More jobs .
Linux is kind of easier and more friendly to developer . the design of text stream interface make it very easy to chain command or tiny program from one to another .
free and more open source libraries .
If you looking for tech stack in the long run ,this is the choice to make .
Here is the path i went through (6–8 months)
Complete Hacker rank practices
As a windows developer , I never wrote much of shell or regex , so i spent some time to complete below practice problems on hackrank to get familiar with the tools i will be using daily.
Data structure
Finish Leetcode problems
To have solid understanding of python and golang syntax and datastruture , I solve the problems on leetcode, also a refresh on problem solving skill
907 medium using python (my ID: iorilan)
Read Books&Articles
To understand better on linux, python, mysql
<<Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible 3rd Edition>>
<<The art of unix programming>>
<<Programming python>>
<<Python crash course>>
<<Serious Python>>
<<Python Cookbook, 3rd Edition>>
<<fluent python>>
<<Automate boring staff with python>>
<<Advanced go programming>>
Practice more (by doing Side projects)
Todo list app (Python+mysql, go+mysql, python+mongoDB, go+mongoDB)
Photo gallery
Client-Server socket messenger
A mail client
Video chat room (webrtc)
document reader(docx, pdf, excel)
That’s it ,hope above could help you ! all the best if you want to be a linux developer .